Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Difficulties Concerning Guidance

This morning in staff meeting Karen facilitated a discussion on chapter 8 of The Christian's
Secret to a Happy Life. Thank You Karen!

Chapter 8 

In this chapter, Whitall Smith addresses the challenge that faces every follower of Christ who desires to surrender his own will to the will of God; that is, how do we know what is God’s will for our lives? A desire to obey God’s will can often be derailed by doubt and uncertainty because as Whitall Smith posits, we 

“have not yet learned to know the voice of the Good Shepherd.” 

Based on the conviction that God promises his Divine Guidance (James 10:3,4) and in His knowledge and wisdom, He alone knows which path is best for you, Whitall Smith suggests four means by which God reveals His will to us: 

  1. through the Scriptures, 
  2. through providential circumstances, 
  3. through the convictions of our higher judgment, and 
  4. through the inward impressions of the Holy Spirit on our minds. 

First and foremost, God’s guidance comes through His Word. Our first course of action whenever we are seeking God’s guidance is to “search out and obey the Scripture.” Whitall Smith warns,

“Until you have found and obeyed God’s will as it is therefore revealed, you must not ask or expect a separate, direct, personal revelation.” 

However, on those occasions when God’s Word does not provide clear guidance on a specific situation, Whitall suggests we can discern God’s will in the other 3 ways. She explains how God guides us through the conviction of our judgment. This involves the enlightenment of our human judgment, otherwise known as our common sense, by the Spirit of God. We can use our common sense to judge a situation in harmony with the principles of God’s Word. She adds He also leads us through providential circumstances where He goes before us and opens a way for us (John 10:4). And then she finishes describing how He guides us as His Spirit impresses upon the mind “a wish or desire to do or to leave undone certain things.” Whitall Smith warns that since God does not contradict Himself, then all four means will always be in harmony with each other. 

As we actively and doggedly seek the Lord’s guidance and remain steadfast in our faith, we can be sure that God will guide us. If in doubt about a course of action, it is better to wait upon the Lord until He gives more clarity as to what He desires of you. But at the end of the day, it is vitally important that we trust the Lord because “God cannot guide those souls who never trust Him enough to believe that He is doing it.” 

Thoughts and Questions for Interaction 

  • Can you recall a time when God revealed his will concerning a situation in your life? 
  • Which of the ways mentioned above did God use to guide you in that situation?

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