Kapahulu Bible Church's (KBC) current Bible readings—for those following along with the chronological reading given at the beginning of the year—is taken from Ezekiel. I am in the middle of reading Ezekiel 40–48 this week. I remember times when I approached passages like this (the measurements of the temple) in the same way I would approach the Old Testament genealogies and the census taking statistics of everyone and their brother. I read these passages and thought, “This is so boring and so irrelevant to my life.” However, my attitude has changed over the years—thanks be to God! The measurements that Ezekiel writes about—given to him from a bronze colored angel—must be pretty important. So rather than skipping ahead to the next narrative that has a more clear plot, we should look for the significance that God has for us.
For me this morning—after a little time thinking, praying and digging—I began to see it. This isn't a temple that has been built yet. And yet it is a literal temple that will be built. This passage should be exciting for us, as this is our temple in the future millennial reign of Christ. Imagine having the plans for the future structure to be built here at KBC—that would be exciting for those who attend, right?
This passage in Ezekiel is meant to stir up our hope and to prove God's faithfulness (because one day that temple will be built to the exact measurements that Ezekiel outlined).
All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness. —2nd Timothy 3:16
Hopefully you will stop, pray, think and dig a little deeper when you come to passages that seem boring or irrelevant. God has a treasure for you to find there.
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