"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek."The word "gospel" is one of the first Greek words I did a study on in seminary. In my Greek New Testament, it looks like this, Ευαγγέλιο; and it sounds like this EVANG-HELIO. William Tyndale, a major player in the reformation, who first translated the Bible into English, had this definition of the word:
“Evangelion signifieth good, merry, glad and joyful tidings, that maketh a man’s heart glad and maketh him sing, dance, and leap for joy."Whenever I go back and read his definition I experience a little bit of the Christmas season nostalgia, no matter what month in the year it is. I think it is the use of the words "merry" and "tidings" that put me in the Christmas spirit. It's not a bad picture or feeling to come to mind, as Christmas for me is the closest I get to heaven on earth.
The word "GOSPEL" is best and most easily translated into English as "GOOD NEWS." It is the Good News of Jesus coming to Earth as a baby born of God to Mary; it is IMMANUEL, God with us. No wonder I think of Christmas. The gospel of Jesus is Christmas, and it is Easter. It is Jesus's coming so that He could die in our place and rise from the dead canceling the eternal death punishment for those who believe.
According to Paul and Romans 1:16, It is this Good News of Jesus--His life story--that is the power of salvation for everyone who believes.
I've always thought it beneficial to think about what is not the power of salvation. Being a good person is not the power for one's salvation. Being a friend to others doesn't result in the salvation of one's friend. Attending church or giving to a church doesn't result in salvation. Serving the poor isn't the power that brings salvation. There is only one act that is powerful to save, and that is believing the Good News story of Jesus Christ. And there is only one way for anyone--for our friends and family--to believe. They must be told the Good News.
So simple and yet the question needs to be asked: How many of your friends and family have heard the story from you?
We need to be like Paul. We can't be afraid to share the Good News story of Jesus with everyone with whom we come in contact.
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