"In that day you will say, 'Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name. Make known His deeds among the peoples; Make them remember that His name is exalted.'” —Isaiah 12:4

I watched the national celebrations from Washington D.C. and listened to President Trump's address to the nation. By and large, I appreciated what he had to say. But there was one point when I wished that more focus was placed on God as the initiator of our national success rather than the accomplishments of individual "heroes."
We may be a symbol of freedom in the time with which God has blessed us. We may even be the light God is using to demonstrate His glory to the world at this moment in time. But there is nothing eternal and there is nothing that we can take credit for in and of ourselves.
I'm currently reading the book of Isaiah in my annual Bible reading plan. It is obvious in these readings that God uses the rise and fall of nations to display His sovereignty to the entire world.
My prayer for the Church and for my country is that we would recognize God's work and His power in making us who we are today.
Today I celebrate the freedoms that I have and the accomplishments of these United States of America. But I celebrate with the knowledge that God is behind it all and I give Him the glory for the good work He has done.
May God bless the U.S.A. as we make known His deeds among the peoples.
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