Wednesday, January 13, 2021

It's Not All "Yes and Amen"

I hope that you are engaging with the book “Make Us One” on our 31-day prayer journey. If you don’t have a copy I have added a link to where you can get one at the end of this blog post.

Since today’s entry didn’t have space to journal (day 13), I’ll journal here:

I have found the written prayers to be so timely for what we are experiencing in our current day events. For example, this is an excerpt from Day 10:

“And with all the saints and angels, we eagerly await your return. But today I groan. The earth is in turmoil. Our cities burn. Rage fills the streets. A plague harasses us. Self-doubt, self-loathing, violence, and the erosion of truth are unraveling our nation. My brothers and sisters of color are grieved and abused, You ‘looked for justice m, but behold, bloodshed; for righteousness, but behold, an outcry!’ (ESV). So, your love complex me to join the groans of creation, the groaning of your Spirit and the groaning of my brothers and sisters. I week with those who week. Longingly, patiently, we look forward to the day when you will break the curse over the universe, free it from its bondage to death and violence and injustice and set all things right.”

It doesn’t get much more current and to the point than that. And yet this was written in the second half of 2020 referencing what has been taking place in our nation way before the Capitol Hill riot. 

By and large I have embraced everything that has been written in this book and I have been challenged to “check” my heart and attitudes as I seek God’s guidance. However, on the 11th there was an excerpt that caused me pause. I have to keep in mind that those who have written the prayer entries are coming from very diverse backgrounds denominationally with some theological nuances that could be slightly different than my own. Day 11’s entry differed enough from what I believe that it bares mentioning. The author wrote (prayed):

“We are trusting you now, agreeing with other brothers and sisters in Christ of all ethnic backgrounds, according to your promise, that America will be delivered from this awful atmosphere of hateful division that is tearing our country apart. We cry out to you for your mercy and protection over our government and society. Help us to see we are all American, not Republicans or Democrats or Independents, but one nation under God regardless of our skin color or sub-culture.” 

When the author prayed “according to your promise,” I had a “check" in my spirit.  If the author means that we have a promise that America will be delivered from what is taking place in today’s current events, if and when we all agree together in prayer (2 Chronicles 7:14), then I think he is using this Scripture incorrectly. You may have heard me say it before, “2nd Chronicles 7:14 was a promise given to the nation of Israel, not to every nation that came after.” If it were meant for every nation, what do we say to the nations who have ceased to exist or who have spiraled into secularism with very little witness left in them (many European countries)? Did they not have enough people praying for God to change His plan? 

I agree with the author, in that I want there to be a national revival. I want Americans to experience salvation. But I don’t agree that all of us being “Americans… one nation under God” is relevant. We need to be very careful in placing so much emphasis on “our government and society” as Americans that we miss out on praying for God’s “kingdom come. His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” 

Again, my hope is that you are engaging with others in the KBC community who are committed to reading this book through the month of January. As a staff, as leaders, with my family and with my friends we are sharing our take-aways and even some of our journal entries as we get together. Not everything needs (or should be) “yes and amen” in those conversations. We should discuss and share our thoughts. In some cases our thoughts may be corrected by those with whom we are dialoguing so that we can grow. In other cases God may use us to grow someone else as He guides our hearts through the journey. And yes, there will be a lot of agreeing with what is written and praising God for what we are receiving. If this is what happens, I am confident that community is taking place.

Have a great week and don’t forget to connect to the KBC ohana.


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