Chapter 7
“But there is nothing here which will not be very easily overcome when the Christian once thoroughly understands the principles of the new life, and has learned how to live in it. The common thought is that this life hid with Christ in God is to be lived in the emotions, and consequently all the attention of the soul is directed toward them, and if they are satisfactory or otherwise, the soul rests or is troubled. Now, the truth is that this life is not to be lived in the emotions at all, but in the will; and therefore, if only the will is kept steadfastly abiding in its center, God's will, the varying states of emotion do not in the least disturb or affect the reality of the life.”
This is a powerful statement that is not only hard to realize in our lives but hard to let go, and to not let our emotions take over and fully govern our lives, and our relationship to Christ. Especially when living in a culture that says we should do what we feel is right, or trust what our heart and feelings are telling us. Our emotions are important, and it is crucial to understand them and recognize why we feel what we feel. But to allow our emotions to control and decide how we view ourselves, and let that determine how God views us will lead to living a defeated Christian life.
“The secret lies just here—that our will, which is the spring of all our actions, has been in the past under the control of sin and self, and these have worked in us all their own good pleasure. But now God calls upon us to yield our wills up unto Him, that He may take the control of them, and may work in us to will and to do of His good pleasure. If we will obey this call, and present ourselves to Him as a living sacrifice, He will take possession of our surrendered wills, and will begin at once to work in us "that which is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ," giving us the mind that was in Christ, and transforming us into His image (see Romans 12:1-2).”
The author is right here with this verse from Romans 12, it is so crucial to have our minds transformed and renewed so that we know what God’s will is for our lives. It is a will that is not controlled by our emotions or how we feel, because that will change just like tides ebb and flow.
- Do your emotions control you? Do you evaluate the success of your day based upon how you feel moment-to-moment?
- How are you giving your mind opportunity to transform so that you can understand God’s will for your life?
- What words or phrases from William Hill’s letter were helpful to you? Why?
- How can you change your life to allow it to be centered in our will, and through hat will our actions would be dictated by our will and not our emotions?
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