Today's post is brought to you by Pastor Nick Willke.
Chapter 13
“We are, however, continually tempted to forget that it is not what we do that is the vital matter but rather what we are. In Christ Jesus neither legal observances avail anything, nor the omission of legal observances, ‘but a new creature.’ God is a great deal more concerned about our really being ‘new creatures’ than about anything else. He knows that if we are right as to our inward being, we shall certainly do right as to our outward actions. We may, in fact, sometimes even do right without being right at all. But it is very evident that no doing of this kind has any vitality in it, nor is of any real account. The essential thing, therefore, is character; and doing is valuable only as it is an indication of being.”
This is a powerful excerpt from our author here. To know who we are versus identifying with what we do is crucial in living a victorious walk with Christ. The book gives a great breakdown of law versus gospel. Galatians 3:24 is the heart of this idea. We are no longer bound by the law but by faith in Jesus Christ. The sooner we can comprehend and let this sink into our minds and hearts, the sooner we can begin to experience victory and progress in our maturity with Christ.
“Sometimes I think that the whole secret of the Christian life that I have been trying to describe is revealed in the child relationship. Nothing more is needed than just to believe that God is as good a Father as the best ideal earthly father, and that the relationship of a Christian to Him is just the same as that of a child to its parent in this world. Children do not need to carry about in their own pockets the money for their support. If the father has plenty, that satisfies them, and is a great deal better than if it were in the child's own possession, since in that case it might get lost. In the same way it is not necessary for Christians to have all their spiritual possessions in their own keeping. It is far better that their riches should be stored up for them in Christ, and that when they want anything they should receive it direct from His hands. 'But of Him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption' (1 Corinthians 1:30). Apart from Him, we have nothing.”
I can’t overstate this verse from 1 Corinthians enough, truly apart from Christ, we have nothing. All of our works are because of Him, and our lives are the vessels in which God chooses to work. He doesn’t have to use us; He chooses to out of His mercy and grace. All that is to say this, we have to believe that what God does for us is the best and all we need, this is the life of liberty. We do not have to strive but can soak in the presence of the Father as He guides, directs, and loves us.
Thoughts and Questions for Interaction
- How do you experience the freedom and liberty of Christ in your life?
- Do you see yourself serving God as a response of obedience or a response of indebtedness? Which response is an expression of freedom and which is bondage?
- How can you daily experience freedom with God as a good Father in your life as His child?
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